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Sun and Heavenly Horses

Product details:



In stock (1 ks)


275 Kč






Time (period):

Modern period, Slavs and Balts, Hallstatt culture, Stone Age


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Product description

A bronze pendant. The cross in the circle symbolizes the Sun and the two "hooks" under the cross in the circle are, according to the Baltic interpretation, two horse heads. According to pre-Christian ideas, the Sun goddess or the Sun god has a chariot pulled by horses. In this case, it is a symbolic representation of the Sun deity with two horses. The symbol of crossed "hooks" - horse heads is documented in the Stone Age on ceramic objects in the Neolithic culture of Vinča (5500-4500 BC) in southeastern Europe. At this time, however, it is uncertain whether it is a conscious symbol of heavenly horses or whether this sign had a different meaning. This emblem is also documented on the pottery of the Bronze Age by Eastern Indo-Europeans (in Asia) in Andronov culture (2100-1400 BC). The same emblem appears much later on Hallstatt pottery (8th-5th centuries BC) in the Czech Republic and on Slavic pottery from the early Middle Ages. Today it is known mainly for Balto-Slavic embroidery. The size is 2 cm in height without the eyelet.